
Sept. 16


Oct. 13, 4:00 pm

Steffen Pötzschke

Institution: postdoc and deputy team leader of the GESIS Panel at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim (Germany)

Title of talk: Sampling (forced) migrants through advertisements on Facebook and Instagram

Oct. 27, 4:00 pm

Emmanuel Kyeremeh

Affiliation: Toronto Metropolitan University 

Titles of talk: Immigrants’ Network in Canada: The Case of Ghanaian Immigrants’ Personal Network in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area

Nov. 14-16

Pathways to Prosperity Annual Conference 

Dec. 8, 4:00 pm

Feng Hou

Affiliation: Statistics Canada

Title of talk: Temporary foreign workers and two-step immigration selection: a growing form of economic immigration in Canada.

Jan. 12, 4:00 pm

Lori Wilkinson

Institution: University of Manitoba
Title of Talk: Sidelined: The War in Afghanistan and Canada’s Response to Resettling Refugees
Jan. 27, 11:00 am

Thomas Soehl

Institution: McGill University
Title of Talk: Geopolitical Legacies, Nationalism, and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment
Feb. 16, 4:00 pm

Jonathan Amoyaw

Institution: Dalhousie University
Title of Talk: The Circuitous Routes to Permanence: Understanding International Students' Pathways to Permanent Residence and Retention in Canada
Mar. 9, 4:00 pm

Antoine Bilodeau

Institution: Université Concordia
Title of Talk: Overcoming Origin-Based Preferences by Selecting Skilled Immigrants? Preferences in Immigrants’ National Origin and Social Classes in Quebec
Mar. 30, 4:00 pm

Kimberly Noels

Institution: University of Alberta
Title of Talk: COVID and its Consequences for Chinese Canadians: Discrimination, Identity, and Adaptation to Canada during the Pandemic


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